OK, let’s get the excuses out of the way first:
1. Crap photos - I only have a mobile phone
2. Crap mess - Don’t have a workshop, everything is done on the back patio
3. Crap result - no talent
This being my first kit, it was always intended as an experiment, to see if I actually could do it.
I have made heaps of mistakes (most probably heaps more to come) but learnt a lot along the way. The whole experience to date has been enjoyable and most rewarding.
I took DB’s advice and I am taking my time, even to the extent of not using any power tools. Not that they are really needed, but shaping the Headstock would have been easier using a Jig Saw. But I found an old rusty Coping saw lying around so recruited that into service.
My main objective with this build is to make a guitar that is a joy to play. The appearance and sound are secondary at this stage. You can tell straight away whether it’s going to look good, but unfortunately I have to wait till it’s finished to find out how it plays.
Some pictures of my journey so far:
The body is Wudtone Carmine Gypsy and has had 4 x Deep Colour and 4 x Base Coats applied. Highlights and Gloss Top Coat to follow. Unfortunately I used a very cheap sandpaper and hadn't realized how badly it had scored the wood, but Wudtone is very forgiving and it hides a multitude of sins.