Hi Folks and thanks for all the feedback from my post on the "welcome" forum about wiring. I consider myself to be a fairly accomplished swearer but it seems my repertoire might be stretched when I get the soldering iron out.
Thanks also to Adam and Dingo Bass for their help and advice about colours and particular thanks to DB for mixing up a custom Wudtone to match a shade he originally achieved by accident on the finished ES1 on the website.
So I have the kit, the Wudtone and lots of excitement. I've done a few things over the last few days and I'll put them in separate posts so I can add enough pictures.
Shaped the headstock, choosing a Gibson- style curve that I drew up in AutoCAD to make a template then band-sawed and belt-sanded. Entirely through chance the radius of the roller on the belt sander exactly matched the curve on the template, which made things simpler. A really light touch was needed on the sander and I think I went a little too heavy on one side as the result is not completely symmetrical but I'm happy with it.