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Thread: Another newbie...Dean from Port Lincoln, South Australia

  1. #1
    Hi Folks, I'm another newbie to both Pitbull Guitars and to the art of guitar construction, although I've been lurking here reading posts for a good couple months now.

    I have been playing since learning classical guitar in high school, so I mainly play finger picking style on my acoustic steel Yamaha (think Tommy Emmanuel, but I'm not in the same league as him). However, several years ago, I got involved in jamming and the very occasional gig with a bunch of mates, so I had to dust off an old Strat copy I've had for years. Since then, I've also acquired a beautiful Gibson Les Paul Studio as a gift from my lovely wife. the thought of building something to play has become a growing idea for some time now, because a couple of friends have built or modified their own instruments.

    I've already purchased one of discount ST-1 kits to do some learning, with some help of a learned friend who is currently building accoustic guitars of his own design, starting with milling and laminating of the raw timber from various sources and previous uses.

    Unfortunately the first body that Adam sent me was a little misaligned in its predrilled neck holes, hence some doubt about whether the setup/tuning/intonation could ever be accurate. After a couple of emails and return of the original kit, Adam was very prompt in supplying me a replacement - Thanks!

    No pics to post at this stage, but the body has been sanded ready for clear gloss lacquer coats, as I like the natural timber look. While it won't be a GOTM contender, I'm working towards something that I can be proud of.

    I'll reserve judgement on just how finished it is until after I've played it for the first time. Further upgrades could include pickups, and maybe changing the supplied white pickups and scratch plate for black .

    Depending on my available time and opportunity, I may yet take on a couple of different kits from the range on offer...

  2. #2
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hi Dean, welcome to our forums!!! I like it how we are in similar situations... I was quietly ghosting he forums late 2012 and then decided to create an account and I have my first kit here at home!
    It would be a great time for you to check out the Wudtone finishing kits (I call it "Luthier's Gold"!!!), and see what masterpiece you can come up with (our good friend Dingobass should tell you more. A d remember to document your build on the "My Build Page" sub-forum to let us all see what you are thinking of doing!!!


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