Hey guys and Gals my name is Rob and I'm newbie here, so please be gentle.
I have been playing a guitar (note, singular) for a few years now and thought that as I am recently retired it was time to add at least one to the collection.
I will probably order the the SV-1 Kit as I like the pickup layout and FR bridge. Its different from the guitar I already have and, importantly, it is in my budget. But being an old guy AND a crap guitarist I feel a bit uncomfortable with the "handle". A bit too much of a "poser" for my taste and limited talent.
What I would like to know from you more experienced guys and luthiers out there is:
1. Would it be possible to fill in the "handle", and more importantly how would I go about it. The guitar will be painted so a mis-match of wood will not be a problem but the "patch" must be permanent and not visible on the finished guitar....and
2. Would this modification affect the tone quality of the guitar.
The project will be a long term one so it doesn't matter how long it takes, I just want the finished guitar to be something I can be proud of.
Any help greatly appreciated. If I get the go ahead from the experts I will be ordering the kit ASAP, can't wait to get started.