Quote from yakkmeister on February 5, 2013, 18:59
Orrite gentleman!
The game is afoot!
So I handed my housemate a set of keys while I had a nap. When I awoke, the housemate had returned and deposited a large, rectangular box at my door. Yep; kit has arrived.
Having never used basswood before, I didn't really know what to expect. Fuzzy. That's ... pretty much a good description of it. I'm not sure how I'll get a decent finish out of it yet but internet searches suggest;
a) Don't bother with trans finishes
b) Don't sand
c) Fish with a scraper
d) Burnish
Well ... looks like I have some more learning to do!
Soldering work is neat and tidy - whoever's doing those is pretty darn good at it!
But since I am replacing all that, it's not going to matter too much ... still - very good work!
All the parts are there - stickers look fantastic, BTW!
All in all, for the price; amazing!
Next time I will avoid basswood unless I really need to ... ^_^
More to come, gents!