Quote from GlennGP on January 25, 2013, 10:41
Hey Callum, there really is no end to your enthusiasm, is there?! Keep it up!
I was considering a bunch of similar upgrades, and then I thought "you know, that's like adding salt to the dish someone carefully prepared for you without tasting it first". Given I can take it apart and make improvements after it's finished, I reckon I'll put my kit together as supplied and then start working out what I don't like or what could be improved, and see how deep my pockets are as I go along. The way I figure it, I could spend a bunch of money now and never know how little improvement I got for it - or I could have a series of experiences where I get ecstatic about dramatic improvements for very little outlay.
I could also be a giant tight-arse.
Anyhoo ... that's my 2c. In the end, we'll all have fantastic axes that we value because we built them, and that's the main thing.
EDIT: having re-read your initial post, it's possible you meant you intend to add these upgrades after finishing as well, but it's a bit ambiguous. In any case, no criticism intended, just an observation.