Quote from MikeL on January 6, 2013, 13:53
I've seen tons of photo's and clips on the forum and also on Youtube of the different ways people go about painting the body of their guitar... everything from hanging it on bungee cord to attaching a piece of wood to the neck slot and clamping it.
I've also been clearing out my work room (you couldn't see the floor for junk) but in amogst that junk I found an old clutch throw out bearing from a VW and it got me thinking....
If I mounted the bearing fairly tightly by the 2 side lugs and fitted a shaft to it for attaching a guitar body to, it would give me 360' rotation and also tilt, with a suitable counter-weight fitted.
It's only partially made so far but it's working exactly as I hoped. The top of the shaft is notched to take a guitar specific plate. Just needs feet and a counter weight. At this point the counter weight is likely going to be a section of lead pipe with a tapped screw in the side so it can be set to any position and locked.
Once my guitar arrives i'll make the top connection plate and let you all know how well it works.
And yes, it's probably overkill but what if a really get into this and want to make lots...