You can upload an image to use as your Avatar (Profile picture) by visitng
Simply attach an image to the email address that you have used to register on our Forum.
You can upload an image to use as your Avatar (Profile picture) by visitng
Simply attach an image to the email address that you have used to register on our Forum.
Is this the only way to ad an avatar to my profile.I use this email as my work email aswell so the way that was mentioned above will not work for me.
Hey Bundy64, to be honest I'm not sure, I will ask our web guru (my Brother) to have a look at it. Maybe if our new Forum Web Guru, Phloggy, sees this he might have a suggestion.
Cheers Adam
Hey Adam
Has there been any upadates as to uploading a avatar asyet.
Hey Bundy, I'm sorry I can't really help you out, I only know of Gravatar. Why don't you open another account with a GMail or Hotmail email address and then I can move your posts over to this new account. Then you can have a Gravatar for that address and not your work email.
Avatar is a very long way round to get a picture on the community profile but it is worth a few go's.
Avatar has worked ( finally ). Must be a Fathers Day thing.