A mate brought around a body (made and painted by another brand whom I shall call Eden) and neck with the objective of making a birthday guitar for son #2. Had he asked, I would have said Pit Bull, more fool him.
These photos were taken with a phone, so they're not the best, but anyway...
Look at this neck pocket! Look at all that thick goop in there! There is so much crap in there that there is no way a neck will sit squarely. Plus, I am a great believer in naked wood meets naked wood wherever possible for good resonance, but that's another story.
I have always worked on the basis that the real purpose of finishing your guitar is to protect it. Sure, make it pretty, but an overall finish that looks like it could be measured in millimetres could choke your guitar's tone.
End of rant.
A while later, it looked like this.
Just look at the difference, and ask yourself which one you prefer to work and play with.
So when you go to paint your Pit Bull, mask off your neck pocket at least. You'll be glad you did.