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Thread: Discontinued Product Lines

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Discontinued Product Lines


    You may have noticed on the site, that there has been a sudden disappearance of a good number of kits... notably those that bear a similarity with a certain famous guitar manufacturer that is well known for litigious behavior...

    I regret to announce that I was smacked with the cease-and-desist letter from a very scary and serious legal firm earlier this year, so I will no longer be ordering any of these types of kit. I've still got a number of kits on my shelves that I will be all but giving away to make room for less legally challenging models. These are the kits that have a single cutaway in the rounded solid body where it meets the neck and a tune-o-matic bridge .. with two humbuckers. I think you know the ones, but please don't comment anything that can be picked up by a bot.

    I have the below:
    No.1 - Basswood body, flame maple veneer, bolt-on neck
    No.2 - Basswood body, flame maple veneer, set neck
    No.3 - Mahogany body, spalted maple veneer, bolt on neck
    No.4 - Mahogany body, spalted maple veneer, set neck
    No.5 - Mahogany body, no veneer, ebony fretboard, set neck
    No.6 - Mahogany body, flame maple veneer, set neck
    No.7 - Mahogany body, quilted maple veneer, set neck

    Any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at

  2. #2
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    That is awful for you, Tim. Not what you want when getting a business of the ground. On the other hand...this could result in some prized possessions!

  3. #3
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    This is a real bummer. Has the same thing happened for that style of neck?
    Last edited by Trevor Davies; 13-09-2024 at 08:23 PM.
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    It wasn't specifically mentioned in the letter, however, in the USA, G****n has even trademarked the words that are used to describe the neck, so I've still got plenty of hardware and necks for those kits, and I'd love to be able to put them back up, but I'd need to be very careful about re-wording the listing so that it doesn't trigger any AI-bots crawling sites like mine.

  5. #5
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    The nameless company that owns a brand that has produced as many copies of Strats (S-310), Teles (T-310) and p-basses (Accu Bass), Not to mention a lot of other more subtle copies of the competition's guitars, has a lot of nerve threatening anyone. Seems a bit like Apple making androids and then suing Samsung for making something similar to an iphone.

    Maybe the parts could be described using language that is also used by a big competitor that continues to produce guitars with similar features like Gretch. The Streamliner Jet is bolt-on. The Electromatic Jet is uses a set-neck. I think there is a "double Jet" version of both. If the site uses only language that is common to both mfgs, maybe Voldemort's bots will leave you alone.

    I like some of nameless one's guitars, but there are lots of cool guitars that have similar features not made by them. Heck, one of their features that I like the best--the batwing headstock--is a rip-off of the one designed by...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	577888-0dc171dbe16b0eea98809d757e5d70a5.png 
Views:	1491 
Size:	141.7 KB 
ID:	45223

    ...oh yeah. Paul Bigsby. The same guy that sued Fender over the name Broadcaster. Wonder whatever happened to that company and whether there is an object lesson in there somewhere.
    Last edited by fender3x; 17-09-2024 at 09:10 AM.

  6. #6
    Overlord of Music dave.king1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fender3x View Post
    The nameless company that owns a brand that has produced as many copies of Strats (S-310), Teles (T-310) and p-basses (Accu Bass), Not to mention a lot of other more subtle copies of the competition's guitars, has a lot of nerve threatening anyone. Seems a bit like Apple making androids and then suing Samsung for making something similar to an iphone.

    Maybe the parts could be described using language that is also used by a big competitor that continues to produce guitars with similar features like Gretch. The Streamliner Jet is bolt-on. The Electromatic Jet is uses a set-neck. I think there is a "double Jet" version of both. If the site uses only language that is common to both mfgs, maybe Voldemort's bots will leave you alone.

    I like some of nameless one's guitars, but there are lots of cool guitars that have similar features not made by them. Heck, one of their features that I like the best--the batwing headstock--is a rip-off of the one designed by...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	577888-0dc171dbe16b0eea98809d757e5d70a5.png 
Views:	1491 
Size:	141.7 KB 
ID:	45223

    ...oh yeah. Paul Bigsby. The same guy that sued Fender over the name Broadcaster. Wonder whatever happened to that company and whether there is an object lesson in there somewhere.
    It was Gretsch that sued over the name similarity to their Broadkaster drum kits.

    But yeah there's a bit of design intrusion in one way or another across quite a few brands

  7. #7
    Overlord of Music dave.king1's Avatar
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    G'day Tim,

    Email sent, I have an itch that hasn't been scratched for quite a few years now.

    Last thing I worked on was a complete restoration of an SG200 around 4 years ago, it had been submerged in floods along with a 73 Tele Deluxe
    Last edited by dave.king1; 17-09-2024 at 12:55 PM.

  8. #8
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave.king1 View Post
    It was Gretsch that sued over the name similarity to their Broadkaster drum kits.
    I stand corrected. This is what happens when rant but you don't check your sources ;-)

  9. Liked by: dave.king1

  10. #9
    Overlord of Music dave.king1's Avatar
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    No.7 spoken for

  11. #10
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    And #5 ;-)

  12. Liked by: dave.king1

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