I've ordered an ST-1JR for my son. He's only young (turning four), but he's been 'helping' me build my other guitars, and has been asking for a 'spider man' guitar for about six months now.

I figure by the time we get it, and spend six months building it, he'll be getting closer to an age where we might feasibly teach him to play. In any case, I know he'll enjoy the build.

Not planning on doing anything fancy RE: upgrades - will try to keep it simple so he can enjoy the whole process from opening the box onwards.

As for the theme, still uncertain how we will go about making it a 'spider man' guitar. He has always maintained he'd like it to be a red guitar, so that's pretty easy. We talked about painting some imagery on, and then I thought maybe it would be a better idea to use stickers after it's been finished, so if he ever decides he doesn't like them he can take them off.

My most recent idea (and current favourite) is to buy a whole bunch of magazines and collage them onto the surface. I feel like he'll enjoy that the most, but also if it's done well he might not get sick of it as he gets older.

Anyway, not sure when it'll arrive, but looking forward to getting into it.