I'm looking at buying a pitibull kit for my christmas present to myself. After getting rid of my other guitars I currently just have a G&L Strat and am looking for something I can use mostly for slide and open tunings. I am thinking solid bridge for this. The two guitars I have in mind are the TL-51 and the JR-1MDC (along with an SG or semi hollow maybe). Right now I am leaning towards the JR-1MDC, except for one thing; the information on the page for it says soldering skill required is Pro vs Novice for the Tele.
One of the reason for doing this kit is to get over a phobia of soldering irons developed by grabbing a soldering iron that was meant to be off (but wasn't) by the hot part when I was a kid.
Anyway, what is the difference between the kits in regards to soldering? Is there really that big of a difference? I really want to do all the kit myself.
I'm a little worried about the neck and bridge setup on the tele too.