I got sick of tripping over wires and cables so I decided to build a pedal board that would be moveable (although not something I intend to take any where except from room to room), it had to match my speaker cab and beheaded Vox as well. So yea, its kind what you'd expect. The pictures are done with the greaseproof paper in the lazer printer thing. I've got t down pat now but after 2 prints you have to pull the cartridge out and clean it. I had no plan, I made it up as went using material I had in the garage, all I had to buy was the hinges and suitcase latches. there is room under the pedals for 2 power supplies and a power board, I can even squeeze my little Micro Orange amp in there. Finished it just as dark fell.
Box -o-Tone !
the top
Inside (yes thats a Miku pedal :P )