Thinking about using Wudtone for the finish of my first kit, which will be a GR-1SF. Not opposed to using Dingotone, but the colours available from Wudtone suit my intended finish better.
I am planing to do a burst or fade finish on the body, with Azure Lagoon (inner) fading to Emerald Isles (outer). Back and sides will probably just be Emerald Isles.
So, has anyone attempted such a finish - not necessarily the same colours, but a wudtone burst/fade finish? How hard is it to blend the two colours? I guess the same would apply to Dingotone.
Also, neck finish? Anyone with wudtone experience? I'm thinking the vintage amber or vintage yellow. Not sure if they will go with the body, and if I should just do a colourless neck/headstock.
How difficult is it to do the top of the headstock in one colour and the sides and back in the neck finish? Again, I guess this would apply to Dingotone as well. Paint can be masked off, but stain that soaks in is probably going to treat masking tape with contempt.