Hey everyone!
I thought I better introduce myself here first before I start asking all the weird and stupid questions that will be coming your way!! The last thing I want people on here thinking is "Where the hell did this guy come from??!!"

I'm an acoustic guitar player, have been for over 25yrs, but I did dabble with a pretty shitty basic beginners electric guitar back in '97. That lasted for about 8mths before I sold it. It was one of those starter packs with an even crappier amp, a stand, and strap that you get for about $150 from the local music shop.

Up until the last 12mths, I hadn't played all that often, just pulling my Maton when I was really bored. Then my niece asked if I would sing at her wedding, and from then I've had a pretty active 12mths. Thanks to my Dad introducing me to one of Australia's best pedal steel players(and he's bloody good on the standard guitar too!) I find myself doing gigs left, right and center.
I play a mix of country with some modern easy listening songs. Mostly ballads.

So, what brings me here??
This last 12mths, while being pretty busy for me, has rekindled my love of the guitar and I have already increased my collection with an 8-string Ibanez Acoustic, and now GAS has taken a hold of me.

I joined the Acoustic Guitar Forum, and started drooling over all of the Luthier custom builds, and started looking to see if I could do a course that would allow me to build my own custom guitar. I found one that actually conducts a course here in Tassie under the guidance of Luthier Chris Wynne. Unfortunately, to afford this course(Think in the $4k range!) I need to sell my Motorbike. Thanks to the weather snap this week, I don't see it going anywhere just yet, but I still have a hankering for building something.

A mate of mine regularly builds electrics, and I've enjoyed watching his builds, some of which have even been entered in you guitar of the month comps. So I'm taking the plunge on a LP kit with a bolt on neck.
I'm thinking of doing the jade green top with a very light burst, with a black ink stamp dye for the back that was done on a bass guitar that is currently in the running for GOTM. Hopefully it will come out alright.

Anyway, that's enough for now, I look forward to talking with you all soon!