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Thread: PB- 4 BASS Wiring Trouble!!

  1. #1

    PB- 4 BASS Wiring Trouble!!

    I wired my PB-4 as to the pitbull diagram it did not even make static.
    I then wired it following a standard Pbass wiring diagram and it only makes static but no pick up action.
    Can anyone help me figure out what is wrong?
    Has any one else done one.
    It is still wired as a Standard Pbass (PHOTO)
    I am also wondering do you have to solder the wires to the pickups if so how?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BASS wire 1500pxl.jpg 
Views:	824 
Size:	297.9 KB 
ID:	7943  

  2. #2
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Geelong, Vic
    hi Danny if you are asking if the pickups need to be wired into the circuit that you have made, the answer is yes.

    according to the diagram:

    neck pickup: black wire to case of volume pot.

    bridge pickup: white wire to middle tab on volume pot

    each pickup will have one wire left - join them to each other, solder, and cover the join (heat shrink is great for this)

  3. #3
    Member Swanny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Morayfield, Qld
    Plus one on the heatshrink tubing. Electrical tape will also do the job, but isn't as neat.

    Those two blue wires coming off the volume pot ... should they be swapped around? I could be wrong, as I'm new to wiring guitars!

  4. #4
    The factory wiring is set up like a standard bass, so the blue hot wire to the output jack goes to the bottom (in image) lug of the volume pot (left pot in image) which is correct, and the blue to the tone pot connects to the volume's middle lug, also correct. The hot from the pickup, which looks to be yellow here, should connect to the middle lug of the volume pot (along with the blue wire to tone), so that needs to be swapped. There also looks to potentially be some shorting between the solder blob on the ground lug of the volume pot and its middle lug... that would cause problems.

    We also need a photo of how you are connecting the split cols of the P-pickup, as Stan said. Is yellow the hot, is black the ground and how are the two coils linked etc? (the colours can vary between different batches of kits)

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