Hi folks,
So I've decided to jump in at the deep end and start with a 12 string.
Always wanted one in a Gibson style but I'm not ready to pay 5k.
I'm going with Karijini Red.
I'm at the sanding stage at the moment and have a few questions.
The first being, how much sanding is required?
I bought the Dingotone kit which goes from 180g through to 400.
I've done a run through all of them but I've noticed some slight pitting between the veneer grain that runs across the body. The surface itself feels very smooth, but the pitting (if that's what you'd call) is noticeable under light.
I'm not sure whether trying to sand the pitting out with the 180g would be overdoing it.
Would post a photo but It doesn't show up. Any advice much appreciated.
Will try and post regular updates.