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Thread: Es2v

  1. #1


    Building a ES2V electric and was saved by the plastic tubing idea but have two questions. How do I earth to bridge? I have put both posts in and did note note a hole for wire access, is there one and if not how do I earth it. Second question is the timber saddle glued in place or just held by string pressure. Thanks for any advice Cheers Stu

  2. #2
    Moderator dingobass's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hey Stu.
    These ones are earthed via the trapeze so all you need is to drill a small hole under the hinged bit and feed a wire through.
    The bridge is a floater. You will need to match the profile to the b ody by placing a piece of sandpaper grit side up on the body and sanding the bridge to suit.

    There is always a workaround for glitches, mistakes and other Guitar building gremlins.....

  3. #3
    Moderator dingobass's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Edit... stoopid here has the wrong kit in mind....
    You will need to drill a hole back from the post hole to the cavity.......

    There is always a workaround for glitches, mistakes and other Guitar building gremlins.....

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