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  1. #1

    Our Facebook Page

    Hey folks,

    As you may have seen, we put a call out for someone to manage our Social Media. We had a few bites but the two most qualified candidates pulled out. So, I guess it's up to muggins here to "maintain our social presence". I don't mind doing it but I'm struggling to find the time.

    We've got 5000+ "Likes" on Facebook, which is a decent sized audience. What do you guys think these "Likers" want to see?

    To date, we've just been posting sexy looking finished builds and all of our GOTM entries and Winners. However, I don't think that is really "engaging with the audience", because it looks like every other Guitar page on Facebook.

    I was thinking we could focus on the Building process of BYOG, rather than the end product.

    For example, I saw in a thread today that someone used a soldering iron and damp cloth to raise a dent in a headstock. What a cool trick!

    So, I guess I'm asking for suggestions for our Facebook page. If something really grabs you, and you think the "guitar building curious" would be interested, post it here in this Forum or flick me an email or Forum message.

    And again, if anyone with a Tertiary Marketing and Communications background wants to help us out, for next to nothing in remuneration, but a sh*tload of glory and admiration, please get in touch.



  2. #2
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Sounds like a plan to have more "engaging" posts Ads, would be nice to see some cool tips and tricks for building!

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