Hi guys, some of you may know that today is my birthday.
Recently I have been through some really tough times, and this morning I got something that really cheered me up and really reinforced my opinions on how many people (and who) actually care about me.
The experimental Tele that DB made, that came in the post on Monday but my dad said that it was one of those Ikea shelves that you build, I totally bought his plan. I saw a guitar case inside a box, so i thought it was a standard PBG case, but inside was the "Rat Rod"...
So I would love to say a massive thank you to DB, Wokka, Popeye, Miss Fi, Ads, Bones and anyone else who had a part in this gift. I don't see it as a "Here ya go Pest, have fun with another free kit", but as "Hey Pest, we all care about you, and this is to prove it!". When I thought about that this morning, a few tears came to my eyes... Even now as I write this in school, I can feel my eyes getting watery...
You all are awesome people who really do look out for me, and I can feel the sense of family all the time!
When I get home I will throw up more pics of what is now dubbed the "Frankenpester" as you will all find out later tonight!
Anyway, I'l be sure to talk about this in more depth and will provide images, but for now I gotta study for exams!!!