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Thread: Part paint - part stain ... Thoughts on an RC-1

  1. #1
    Member ScoopD's Avatar
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    Part paint - part stain ... Thoughts on an RC-1

    Hey guys. Looking at the RC-1 with their dodgy fill piece behind the bridge. The solution is a paint job rather than stain. Black of course, or JetGlo if you talk to Mr Hall.

    Then looking at the "Only One" with the mahogany body (RC-1M) and thinking what a waste to hide that beautiful wood behind paint. I wonder if I could paint the top and stain the back and sides using the binding as the separation?

    Then I notice that there is no binding on the bit under where the tail piece goes.

    So questions -
    Have people mixed part paint with part stain and how well did that go?
    Any thoughts on how you would separate a painted section from a stained section without binding?
    If binding is required, how hard is it to install - particularly for that requirement where the sides of that shaped section curve up to the top piece?

    Probably biting off more than I could chew and should look at the standard basswood model and go all black with the binding as a "feature" but I do like to challenge myself.

  2. #2
    Overlord of Music dave.king1's Avatar
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    Y knot ???

  3. #3
    GAStronomist wokkaboy's Avatar
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    think you can paint and stain Scoop as long as they are kept separate.
    As for binding can you please post a photo, RC-1 is one of the few kits I haven't built !
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  4. #4
    GAStronomist stan's Avatar
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    paint and stain will work fine, and look good.
    I had a look at the kit on the site: use the binding for the main separation and paint the inner part where the tailpiece goes and simply stop at the edge, which lines up with the bottom edge of the binding. I think it would look fine

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