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Thread: Inspirational local talent

  1. #1
    Hi folks,

    Thought I'd kick off a thread on local (Australian) talent. There are so many great guitarists out there trying to eek out a living its the least we can do as fanatics, guitar traffics etc, to give them a boost. I'd like to open the account with a couple of very local guitar heroes of mine, in chronological order (order I saw them).

    Geoff Achison (Acho)

    I first heard of Acho listening to ABC one evening in the man cave. He played a couple of songs live and I thought "wow, I've got to see him live"! Gig announced at the end of the program at Olinda hall, and the rest as they say is history. Check him out if he's in your part of our fair continent.

    Lloyd Spiegel

    Funny how you get on to local gigs. My wife works with a struggling yet talented muso, jason, and he came around one day for a jam. One thing lead to another and we got to talking about Acho. Jason noticed the licks and put 2 and 2 together. Lloyd and Acho used to play together and some of the licks are similar. I've since seen both these guys play at a small gig in Geelong and it was sensational.

    Anyway. That's the opener. Check them out if you get the chance. At least check out their sites.


  2. #2
    Moderator Brendan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Perth, WA
    How about Andrew Winton - Good bloke to boot!

  3. #3
    Great idea for a thread Glenn.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Talawa, Tasmania
    I would posit Sandro Ghiotto, who is a cross between Satriani and Fripp. Plays in a Perth band Chaos Engine.

    Plus he's a lovely chap.
    "Music is in the air; it's my job to pull it out."- Jaco Pastorius

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