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Thread: missing videos

  1. #1
    To the powers that be..

    I just noticed that some of the videos have gone missing from the site, mainly all the sanding/painting ones.

    They are still available and working on the pit bull youtube channel, but the links on the Video Guide tab on the site for some of the early stage setup videos have disappeared!

  2. #2
    Hi Auldy,

    We're in the process of redoing all the "painting" videos, but this time they will focus on Wudtone. We've done the first one, which is up on the site and we are doing the neck video this week.

    I think most regulars will agree that those original painting videos we had were pretty average (being generous), but we were pretty green when we did them.

    You can still refer to them on our YouTube channel, but I'd also recommend doing a wider search and check out a few different videos, from other YouTube channels, before settling on your painting method.




  3. #3
    Overlord of Music keloooe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote from adam on March 18, 2013, 20:50
    Hi Auldy,

    We're in the process of redoing all the "painting" videos, but this time they will focus on Wudtone. We've done the first one, which is up on the site and we are doing the neck video this week.

    I think most regulars will agree that those original painting videos we had were pretty average (being generous), but we were pretty green when we did them.

    You can still refer to them on our YouTube channel, but I'd also recommend doing a wider search and check out a few different videos, from other YouTube channels, before settling on your painting method.

    I remember those early vids like it was yesterday...
    Yeah, the quality of those vids wasn't the best, but as previously mentioned, you guys had only just started out!

    I'm expecting all other sections to be updated, along with a few others???

  4. #4
    no worries, look forward to the new stuff then

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