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Thread: Hello guys!

  1. #1

    Hello guys!

    Hi all,
    I have just ordered the TL-1A and I am looking forward to my first build.

  2. #2
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Miami, FL, USA
    Welcome! That's a classic kit. As it turns out, I am working on my first Tele as well. We encourage folks to start a build diary which is a great place to work out problems, explore options and get help with any problems that come up. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your kit!

  3. #3
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Hi and welcome Psellism.
    Good luck with the build!
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

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