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Thread: Project #5, AG #2

  1. #41
    Member XP Rider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    XP Rider: You might find files an rasps a good intermediate between sand paper and a dremel for sneaking up to where you need to get things with a bit more control.
    Thanks, Rabbit and Trevor. Sanding worked alright on the straight areas, but this lip is only about 2 or 3 mm deep, and in the sharply rounded curve at the bottom the sandpaper didn't cut much. The guitar gods must have been smiling down, as I got away with the use of the Dremel. I do appreciate the suggestion on shaving the plastic cover plate. Pocket knife probably a no go.

  2. #42
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XP Rider View Post
    ... I do appreciate the suggestion on shaving the plastic cover plate. Pocket knife probably a no go.
    I would not use a pocket knife, but if you have those skills if could work.
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

  3. #43
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Davies View Post
    +1 for this. I also have found that furniture scrapers are good to remove material from plastic pickguards and covers.
    A furnature or paint scraper...or maybe even a razor blade pulled rather than pushed...?

  4. #44
    Member XP Rider's Avatar
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    Thanks again to both. I haven't tried the fit again. After adding a little paint and sealer around the edges of the route, I decided on a few more layers of clear coat. We are planning a little travel, so it will have a couple of weeks to cure thoroughly.

  5. #45
    Member XP Rider's Avatar
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    Well, surprise, we are still alive up here. February was a whirlwind, and March is even worse. But some progress has been made. After the paint and clear coat had adequate time to dry and cure, it got a couple of treatments with Meguiar's Ultimate Compound, then Ultimate Polish, and finally, Cleaner-Wax. The routs have been lined with copper tape, and all that is left is assembly. I'll get photos when I can catch my daughter again.

  6. #46
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    Good that you are still making some progress.

    It has been way to hot and humid here (and there has been way too much non-guitar related work) for me to make any progress. Hopefully that will change soon.
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

  7. #47
    Member XP Rider's Avatar
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    We are starting to warm up, and the horses are beginning to shed. So I had better finish before there is too much to do outside. Hope things level out for you, TD.

    Finally got some help, so here are the final pictures of the body. I got a pretty good gloss. Now we start assembly.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #48
    Moderator Trevor Davies's Avatar
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    Looking good. That colour really suits an SG style.
    PitBull Builds: FVB-4, LP-1SS, FBM-1, AG-2, TB-4, SSCM-1, TLA-1, TL-1TB, STA-1HT, DSCM-1 Truckster, ST-1, STA-1, MBM-1, MBM custom, GHR-1.

    Scratch Builds: Pine Explorer, Axe Bass, Mr Scary, Scratchy Tele's.

    The little voices in my head keep telling me "build more guitars"

  9. #49
    Member XP Rider's Avatar
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    Well, just about the time you probably thought I was dead or in jail, #5 is finally finished. I like to wrap up before hot weather hits us up here in the north, but not this time. Color turned out very nice. Grover tuners, custom truss rod cover, up-graded tone and volume knobs from StewMac. Otherwise, stock PBG. I had higher hopes for this build, but it is what it is. My work on finish and assembly is not as good as I had wished, and the neck angle is a little too steep, so the guitar cannot be properly set up. Action is too high, and that is the way the kit came. I had the same problem with Blue #2, also an AG style, and thought it was something I had done wrong. Apparently that is the way they come. BTW, a while back I tripped in my messy office/guitar room, knocking the blue one over, and breaking the glued-in neck loose. No other major damage. I have done a little sanding in the neck pocket, hoping to lower the strings and improve the action. We'll see.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  10. #50
    Moderator fender3x's Avatar
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    Miami, FL, USA
    Wow! It really looks great. Exactly the way an SG should. Nice touch with the controls. Makes me nostalgic for "the one that got away"... A similar looking SG with gold hardware, on sale in a Seattle music store. I should have bought it. Been thinking about it ever since. If you can get the action where you like on the other one maybe this one could be for channeling your inner Derrick Trucks. ;-)

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