View Full Version : Chrome guards?

08-05-2014, 12:15 AM
Hey guys, where can I get a chrome pickguard / backplate blank?
Anything that resembles a sturdy chrome guard works for me

08-05-2014, 01:21 AM
How about mirror acrylic? That I can do.

08-05-2014, 01:37 AM
sounds like the right material, same as what Trevor used on his Kiss Iceman

08-05-2014, 01:41 AM
Yer I was thinking mirror guards earlier today

08-05-2014, 02:18 AM
What kind of shape are you after Pest?

08-05-2014, 02:33 AM
Pest wants to cause permanent blindness in the audience next time he performs on stage... ;)

08-05-2014, 02:54 AM
When I saw Weezer last year, the guitarist had a mirror pickguard on his explorer. The beam of light it threw into the audience was dazzling to say the least.

08-05-2014, 03:23 AM
Pabs, mostly after backplates, I need to finalize the plan though

08-05-2014, 03:27 AM
I may be interested in an acrylic mirror pickguard and trem plate, could you cut them Pablo to a strat shape ?

08-05-2014, 03:59 AM
Yeah, I can do that no worries. Acrylic mirror is 3mm thick, a bit thicker than your average pickguard. Also, I haven't figured a neat way of beveling the edge, so that would be up to you guys.

08-05-2014, 04:27 AM
yer ok cool thanks Pablo, when you get time could you please give us a rough price for strat pickguard and trem cover and add postage please ?

08-05-2014, 04:45 AM
Do you want standard pickup and control layout?

08-05-2014, 04:46 AM
Also, I have gold and red mirror.

08-05-2014, 05:06 AM
thanks Pablo, yes at this stage SSS pickguard with standard layout. Could be interested in gold and red sounds awesome

08-05-2014, 06:05 AM
Easy as, I think I have artwork for that already. The trem cover is dead simple.
I reckon on a black guitar, a red mirror pickguard would look killer.

08-05-2014, 06:22 AM
yer ok cool cheers Pablo, maybe when you have one to photograph please post it here or PM me on Facebook and we'll go from there

08-05-2014, 06:37 AM
I'll smash something out for you tomorrow. :)

08-05-2014, 06:43 AM
no hurry Pablo, whenever you get spare time. Is it possible to get a black acrylic with a reflective look or is the colour too dark ? Its probably a stupid question haha

08-05-2014, 07:52 AM
Regular black acrylic is perfectly glossy. I used it on my bass for the contrast between it and the matte body. Attracts fingerprints like crazy though.

08-05-2014, 08:02 AM
yer no worries thanks Pablo, will stick to the 3 colours you suggested

08-05-2014, 08:43 AM
/<\\/p>[]<\\/p>/Quote from pablopepper on May 7, 2014, 12:59
Yeah, I can do that no worries. Acrylic mirror is 3mm thick, a bit thicker than your average pickguard. Also, I haven't figured a neat way of beveling the edge, so that would be up to you guys.

Pabs, Stewmac has a bevel router bit designed for pickguards.
Run it at a low speed in the dremel with your profile template and you will get the perfect bevel everytime :)

08-05-2014, 11:22 AM
You know what, I have a router bit just like that and I can cut a 6mm mdf template in no time. Solved, thanks DB!

08-05-2014, 11:54 AM
Dremel also have a router bit - 715 that has a 45 degree angle on it and a pilot end. Downside is that the only one available through the big green barn is the Trio bit that has a slightly larger shank than standard Dremels can handle. That said, a hunt on eBay will bring up some for normal Dremels in the US delivered for ~$15 Aus.

09-05-2014, 03:00 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/t34.0-12/1613896_10204019326826248_5399567049461816199_n.jp g?oh=c84a3e3be116466d5a4619b575289e83&oe=536D2A03&__gda__=1399673337_5a4f3f7f8a2c4935265003cc0afa302 c
Some sexy red mirror guards now destined for one of Wokka's sweet builds.

09-05-2014, 07:46 AM
yes cheers thanks heaps Pablo, they look awesome, it may even go well on my cedar stained strat I'm currently clearing but tossing up between red mirror and black as its quite a deep red colour the body

09-05-2014, 09:58 AM
Cor blimey - that looks good!

10-05-2014, 12:40 AM